Pricing Tables

To make available pricing tables, make sure you have installed “pricetable” plugin which located in the “recommended-plugins” folder in your “Ewa main package” files.

After the installation follow easy steps to build your pricing table. To place one of them into your page; please see the documentation.

What you should have to know about creating a Pricing Table

  1. Click “Add New” button to add new pricing table.
  2. Type a title for your pricing table
  3. Click “Add Column” to add new pricing column
  4. Type a title for your pricing table column
  5. Type a price with or without a sign
  6. Say something in details field which express current pricing column
  7. Add a URL (link) so the button of the column will bring to user details page
  8. Type a caption for the button which will bring the user to the details page
  9. To add more features to column, click “Add” link to add new one
  10. Type anything
  11. To set a best price simply put a thick on to the “Recommend” box

And simply publish your entry. You can use your pricing table as a shortcode as explained on the page (right bottom, Shortocde panel) or as a component as described here
