How to translate a theme

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Our Themes are translation-ready. Every theme contains a language file with the file ending .pot ( located in `wp-content/themes/themename/lang/` ) which you can use to translate the theme. The .pot file is basically a list of all the text lines used in the theme files in English language.

Moreover a theme includes .po and .mo files. First are created from the .pot file and contain both the original language (English) and all translated text strings from the translated language.

Therefore these files are named according to their language codes. (de_De.po, nl_NL.po or es_ES.po for example). The .mo files are just compiled exports from the .po files and used by WordPress to translate the theme.

The easiest way to translate your theme locally is by using the PoEdit program.

Download the files ( located in `wp-content/themes/themename/lang/` )  to your local computer, and edit via PoEdit program.